Woooooooo, CHAMPIONS:
Your faithful President was able to provide the founder of BNI with a referral! For those keeping score at home, I am still one behind as Dr. Misner has kindly featured me (us) on the podcast, Episode 191, and on the Annie Armen show. As most of you know, I am diligent about listening to the BNI podcasts...OK, I enjoy hearing from the founder and his wealth of networking insight. In Episode 205, Dr. Misner asked for media publicity for his business index...voila...a specific ask.
From Episode 205 (the ask):
"...The idea really is to get the media to say, hey, this looks interesting, to comment on it and to build the BNI brand. So this is really more for the media than it is for members..." "...if you are listening to this podcast, feel free to leave a message here (which I did...see for yourself) on the BNIpodcast.com website and let me know what question you think might be valuable in the future that the media be interested in. What would the media like to know about how business is?"...
I have collaborated with Jan Norman of the OC Register for several months (I have been a fan for several years) and was able to connect the two via a telebridge and the below article was the result. I got to listen to the interview and even participate...very cool!
"What does Misner recommend to his BNI members?"
“Two things have come out of both surveys. Stick to fundamentals…at the same time be creative and try things counter-intuitive to your industry.”
"Misner used as an example, Allen Buchanan, principal in Lee & Associates Commercial Real Estate Services in Orange. Buchanan often calls up business owners he reads about and builds relationships in industries and types of jobs he wouldn’t normally meet and that his competition isn’t going after. He had a record 2010 despite the spotty economic recovery."
“Business networking is more like farming than hunting,” Misner said. “People may let go of a vendor but they won’t let go of a friend.”
You can read the entire article by clicking the link below:
Survey: Sick of ‘politics and power trips’ - Jan Norman on Small Business - The Orange County Register#comment-43311
Thanks for helping to make this happen Allen.
My pleasure. As someone famous once said, specific is terrific! Aka, be careful what you ask for... You just might get it.
ReplyDeleteWow! Why has this post received so much interest lately? Must be the subjects. Thanks Dr. Misner and Jan Norman!