Woooooooo, CHAMPIONS!
True or False...oh wait, that was last week! UFirst Financial, Mr. Jim McCracken, AKA the ElPaso kid educated us today with a VERY well done keynote...the concept was simple...if $6000 could save you (or make you in effect) $30,000, is that something that you would do. The Champions (in harmony ala Woooooo, Champions) retorted a resounding YES! So Ufirst helps educate the public on these simply debt reduction techniques.
Did you know that James Kashi (in addition to having a cool location in downtown Fullerton) services both foreign AND domestic cars? If you answered yes...ding, dig, ding, you are a winner!
The trades group got a charge today as we had two reps from a GC, a solar rep and two reps from a fourth generation plumbing contractor. Rumor has it that the plumbing contractor wants to join several chapters so that several of their reps can share the magic of referral based marketing. Michael Figueroa's company Rite Loom Flooring employs that strategy within the region quite nicely. A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO DAN FOWLER who encouraged the plumbers and solar rep to visit the Champions! Muchas gracias, Dan! True giver's gain spirit!
So, in order of their Stand and Deliver comments, here goes:
Max Copley of Computer Solutions Architects loved the Champions special recognition...International Spark Plug (won by Robert Perez today) and the Champions Spark Plug Award (won by Aric Gless today)
Joseph S. Davis, a criminal defense attorney subbing for Joseph G. Davis enjoyed the vast array of businesses.
David Woods of Greenworx Solar enjoyed how eager we were to get to know each other.
Shawn Ryan of Ryan Construction and Brent Coriaty of Ryan Construction definitely see the potential
Johnny Jacot and Tina Rosa of Jacot Plumbing enjoyed the referral stories of how we help each other.
For those keeping score at home...four...count 'em four apps! Including the pending app, that makes an even (or is that an odd) five!
Awards, Leaders, and Biz:
International Tabasco Award (for the "hottest" SMM) went to Robert Perez this week...he hit the marks and took home the pepper. He rules next week. Honorable mention to Donna Cahoon, Bill Edman, and Jim Sando.
Champion's Spark Plug today went to Aric Gless for his tireless work as our Membership Committee Chair.
May referral leader, Bill Edman
May 1-2-1 king, Jim McCracken
May visitation exemplar, Bo Lowe and Aric Gless
Referrals month-to-date 74
1-2-1s month-to-date 128
Visitors YTD 84
YTD TYFCB, $573,000...Ka Ching!
The sheriff, Greg Beck, also highlighted the seven members in the Champions that have accounted for 52% of the TYFCB (one was Greg, shhh!)
The meeting was closed with a quote which I plan to use in all of the future blog posts. We got this from our friend Rick Itzkowich and his weekly quote actions.
"Most look up and admire the stars. A Champion climbs a mountain and grabs one."
from an Unknown Author
Your action for today is to evaluate whether you are acting more like an admirer than a Champion.
Make it a Champion Week everybody!
Your faithful President,
Allen Buchanan
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