My ask for the week is that you leave a comment on the blog, the facebook page, etc. The comments help increase our google presence.
So here are the highlights: (notice anything different?)
Action quotation " Happiness is not an accident, or something you wish for. Happiness is something you design." Your action for this week is to start designing your happiness!
Next week, June 7th is hat week. Every Champion will design their SMM around one, two, three, or a substitute hat. The first hat is a cowboy hat, the second hat is a camo University of Arkansas Razorback visor, the third is a straw Frank Sinatra fedora, OR you can choose a hat that closely represents your profession. IE: Greg Beck wears several hats? Robert Perez wears a moto helmet when he travels to our meetings. We have all see Rosanne's pink, blonde visor...should be epic!
June 14th is bring your sub day...more on this next week
June 21st. MSP Training at Meridian Club at 9:30 after our meeting. Sign up via the events calendar at http://www.socalbni.com
Evening Among the Champions....er Stars is October 7th! Rumor has it that the Champions have 20 committed so far and will be purchasing two tables this week. Kathy Penton has kindly agreed to be all things, Champion and Evening...more to come!
Stand and Deliver from our visitors:
The latest CSUF graduate Miss Edman enjoyed the energy and enthusiasm
Gary Hill believes that the Champions could be his next BNI home
Bob Rode enjoyed the organization and the energy
Lola enjoyed seeing all of us and enjoyed the warm reception
and Donna Cahoon's sister (you can definitely see and hear the resemblance) really stressed using BNI members for all tasks!
Thanks to our visitors...you make our week!
Dues are dues are dues are due next week!
We will recap YTD stats for the first eight months of the term next week. We will also award three new monthly leaders in 1-2-1s, referrals, and visitors next week.
The keynote this week was all about me...just kidding...but I got a lot of air time. I hope you all benefited from the talk about lease renegotiation and our visitor/sub exercise. My schedule is a little light on one-to-ones this week...anyone interested?
"Hottest" SMM and the International Tabasco Award...and the winner is, Mr. Jim McCracken...a constant contender...but the "halls of Montezuma" theme for the day after Memorial Day really hit the mark! Congrats again, Jim and we look forward to your rule for next week! We had some other contenders today...Jody Houseman, Chris Vasquez, Gary Lorge, Kathy Penton, Greg (the Sheriff) Beck...
Thanks to all the Champions who served our country, Richard Lane, Chris Vasguez, and Lem Bucago! Your service to our country allows us the freedom to attend networking meetings each week!
Bo Lowe delivered the educational moment today with a list of things you can do to strengthen your relationships...Number One, send a TY note...who knew! I bet Bo did, because Bo knows TY notes!
Wow! It is almost summer and the Champions welcomed the first meeting after the first summer holiday with a graduate, five visitors (two double counted that were subs), and a keynote presentation by your faithful President who hasn't changed since this photo was taken last week...:))). Actually, the meeting felt a little like the "Allen show" because of the keynote, the award of the ITA (Donna Cahoon, last week's winner) was in Montana and so the duties fell upon me, and a last minute change in the speaker rotation which the Leadership Team believed necessary...a sub inviting system. Whew! If you have never visited the Champions...today was a rarity. I promise much less of me in the weeks to come.
Woooooooo, CHAMPIONS:
Make it a Champion week everybody!
Your faithful President,
Allen Buchanan
Thanks Allen for all that you do!
ReplyDeletehumming..."From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli" now it's in my head again!!
Sing it Jim!!!
It is always fun! Thanks for playing along!