Wooooooooo, CHAMPIONS!
True or False, We had a GREAT sales manager moment, AKA, Profitable Intro, AKA Elevator Speech competition? TRUE! The moments were awesome with several memorable deliveries. In the end, with spouse present none-the-less, Joe Davis, counselor at law and estate planning attorney extraordinaire, took home the International Tabasco Award with much fan fare! Congrats Joe...you even manged a T or F in your ask which was clever! If you are reading this blog for the first time...welcome! This meeting was devoted to True or False...some even Stood and Delivered with a True or False theme...atta chapter...love it!
The highlights:
Attendance: The Sheriff, Greg Beck donned the suit and attended the meeting...around his vacation...Ok, he is in Newport, but still, that is DEDICATION! For those keeping score at home, Greg has not missed a meeting...even with a sub...for over THREE years! Wow. What a testament to the power of showing up and contributing. Hat's off...oh wait...that was a couple of weeks ago.
The Visitation: Five terrific visitors graced the Champion's lair today. Andrew Rea, a web designer; Libby Davis (Mrs. Tabasco) from Vitas; Kris Hansberger...True or False, she submitted an app...TRUE, sweet; Doug Karcher, a handyman...we REALLY need one; and Al Bustamantes from Integrated Technology, VOIP account exec. I believe we received two apps from the five visitors...not bad. Now up to the crack membership team to vet the apps...more to come! Thanks for flying with the Champions today.
Key Notage:
Bo Lowe...always amazing...gave us some great insight into the card industry and why customers leave their suppliers...perceived indifference. Great referrals for Bo are organizations that need to raise money (booster clubs, non-profits, PTAs, etc).
Jody Houseman...solid as usual...stained us, prepped us, and wowed us with the faux treatments. Jody can make his craft so interesting. Please note that Jody is a certified lead paint removal specialist...certified by California. Great referrals for Jody are General Contractors, property managers, trades that need painters...roofers, doors and windows....hmmm, Jody meet Donna, Donna Jody.
EC Momentos:
Continuing upon the testimonial theme started last week, Jim Sando highlighted the four things a great testimonial should contain:
A focus on one person
Delivered in first person
Placed in writing
Chapter Biz:
MTD Referrals 58
YTD 1-2-1s 2196...gotta be a record
YTD visitation 80
YTD TYFCB $567,600
Award Winners:
May Visitors Aric Gless and Bo Lowe
May 1-2-1s Jim McCracken
May Referrals Bill Edman
This week's Champion's Spark Plug winner, Angelo Dionisiou for his tireless efforts as visitor host! Congratulations to one and all!
Evening!! I am hearing rumblings of some cool stuff!
Workshop hosted by Champions today
Please keep our comrade Clay Colwell in your thoughts and prayers as he fights the good fight!
Make it a Champion week everybody!
Your faithful President,
Allen Buchanan
Please leave a comment...we love to hear from you!
It was great to have so many visitors this morning, especially ones who are considering applying! Very impressive!