Well the "buck" definitely stopped at the Champions today as we hosted the second stack day of the new term and welcomed five visitors, one sub, and our very own ambassador, Bernadette Lazarra. Our chapter is trying hard to attract a plumber to complete our compliment of trades and we were successful in attracting one today...Bill Taylor from Sundance Plumbing. Bill really enjoyed the people! He is right, the Champions have some great people. Additional visitors were Kathy Penton from Performance Envelope...rumor has it she won't be a visitor much longer and may be our next inductee? Ron Coleman from Pop's Graphix'n Stuff enjoyed the keynote addresses and the talent with which they were delivered. An old Champion (or should I say vintage Champion), Mark Bill from Bill's Body work was happy to see the familiar faces. I understand that Mark was quite a referral giver in his day! Diane Meimetus completed the visiting corps from Rebekah's Hair Studio (a former stack day profession request). We understand that Diane and Rebekah may visit together next week...only their hairdresser knows for sure! Linda Luchansky subbed for her husband Doug and we always enjoy our ambassador visits from Bernadette! Our sincere Champion thanks to the GRC team for their hard work! Michael Figueroa, Dr. Real, Ela Corcoran, and Jody Houseman really know how to stack the visitors!
Please Welcome #34 and #35!
That would be Christina Pham and Joe Lynch! Both hail from BNI families as Christina's sister is a member of Premier Professionals and Joe's wife Wendy is a proud member of the Velocity chapter...both chapters participated in the recent eight chapter mixer and we consider them our North Orange county brethren! Christina has already conducted ten one-to-one meetings and given a couple of referrals and did I mention she brought a visitor last week? Christina is a printer and Joe is a general contractor...both very good professions to fill! Congrats you two. We are happy that you are Champions!
Joe Davis and Gary Lorge both presented on their professions of estate law and personal insurance lines. I really felt informed about both professions as Joe discussed the various types of wills and trusts and Gary explained "estimated replacement cost" of a property! Greg Beck, to my right at the dais, commented that both were very informative and I believe the Champions will reward each of the two with tons of referrals. Joe and Gary are seeking two ends of the continuum...older and younger women...for different business reasons of course.
International Tabasco, Referral Leader for January, and Champions Spark Plug Winners:
Fourth two time winner of the ITA (International Tabasco Award)...Aric Gless for his specific ask of the facilities manager of Angel Stadium. Was that a self autographed baseball that Aric tossed? He can now autograph a bottle of Tabasco since he joins Greg Beck, Steven Stakley, and Gray Lorge as the only other two time winners. Who will be the first to claim number three? Christina Pham was a close runner-up.
Congrats to our faithful visitor host, Angelo Dionisiou, for delivering the most referrals for January! Additionally, Angelo played hurt today as he is weathering a cold but had the host table in full regalia before 7:00 AM! A new cast of winners will be awarded next week.
Steven Stakley (on his way to see the Laker's tonight) was the CSP award winner for pulling double duty (Sec/Treas and head mentor) for Rosanne (who became ill and was a last minute scratch). We hope that our Secretary/Treasurer is feeling better and will return to the dais next week. We missed you Rosanne!
Sir Winston Churchill was quoted as saying: "We make our living from what we get. We make our lives from what we give." Our action for this week is to practice the giver's gain philosophy.
Make it a Champion week!
Your faithful President,
Allen Buchanan
congrats on your growth!