Wooooooo, CHAMPIONS:
Happy International Networking Week! The Champions started the week in style by welcoming a room full of printers! No it wasn't a stack day...the visitors happened to find us at the same time. Christina Pham from Elect Graphic and Printing visited for the second time and submitted her application. Kathy Penton, an owner of Performance Envelope visited (and completed an app after the meeting) and Linda Kamka, of Linda Kamka Designs visited as well (she left with app in hand). All were feted by Collette's Catering and enjoyed watching the Champion meeting experience! Our membership committed headed by Aric Gless will be busy this week vetting the apps. We could be at 35 or 36 Champions by month's end. Douglas Garrett, a partner of mine with Lee and Associates attended to catch the wave. Tom Roby subbed for Chuck Tipton and we had two "other BNI chapter" visitors...Joseph Maioriello Jr., and James Rosenquist. We always enjoy visitors from other chapters.
Please welcome, Carmina Perez, the newest Champion. Carmina is in Merchant Services and will be a welcome addition to the Champions. Carmina was sponsored by James Kashi and will be mentored by Steven Stakely
EC Moment:
Jim Sando, fresh from his visit to the Director/Ambassador team meeting yesterday presented a great educational moment on the characteristics of a good referral...someone in the market for your product or service that is expecting your call or a strategic introduction to someone that can introduce you to...expecting your call. Well done as always Jim!
International Tabasco Award for "hottest" SMM:
And the winner is...Richard Lane from Firstlight Networking...the IT kind of Networking! He cannot sing and he cannot dance (his words, not mine) but he certainly can catch our attention, have a specific ask, and complete before Rosanne gongs him. You could really tell that Richard practiced his introduction and it paid off for him. Congrats Richard!
Your humble President presented today. I illustrated the VCP process through a client relationship of mine...film soon. I also issued a challenge to the chapter to have two one-to-ones this week and for next week's Stand and Deliver, come prepared with a tidbit from the face-to-face meetings...stay tuned.
Doug Luchansky from ACI bribed the audience with candy...great to hype their excitement for business software. I went first because I knew I couldn't compete with the candy give away. Doug is an outstanding listener (I have experienced this first hand!) He is a great strategic problem solver and a wonderful presenter of solutions. I believe that the chapter knows much more about Doug and his profession.
The Champions Spark Plug Award:
Mr. Jim Salem won this week for his production of the one page list of Champions that he accomplishes each and every month. Thanks for the effort, Jim! You can see Jim's handy work in the spces to the left.
Eight Chapter Mixer this Friday at 4:00-6:00 PM at JT Schmids...be there or be square!
Stack Day February 22nd. Don't forget to call those plumbers and family law attys!
Your humble President will be Dr. Ivan Misner's guest on the BNI weekly podcast this week on February 9th. Be sure to tune in and I will post a link on the blog as well. Click here to listen to the podcast!
The meeting was ended with an action quote!
Make it a Champion week!
My best to you,
Allen Buchanan, your humble President
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