Wooooooo, CHAMPIONS:
The Champions welcomed the new year with much hoopla and a silent (not too silent) wish for the Razorbacks to wallop The Ohio State University this evening...WPS.
The Highlights:
Two new visitors...both returning...both claiming that they will complete apps.
EC Moment on "Relationships"
Say hello to Mr. 33, Jim McCracken
We crowned a new Tabasco Champion
New leaders for December were announced and properly feted
YTD progress vs 2009 on all of our key categories
Chris Vasquez keynoted us
Stand and Deliver and Champion's spark plug
Wonderful GRC and new stack day for February 22
A couple of cool upcoming events for the Champions
Quote and see ya'll next week!
The visiting dignitaries:
Wow, your meetings are very organized! This exclamation was made by Steve Pitchford from Search Optimizers on his second visit. Joseph Lynch, husband of Wendy Lynch from Velocity can definitely feel the Champion love! Joseph is a general contractor and is anxious to submit his transfer before stack day...more on that later.
EC Moment:
Jim Sando discussed the most important aspect...aside from "givers gain"...in BNI. That is relationships and relationships can only be fostered by time. Do those one-to-ones, AND strive for perfect attendance at the meetings. Those 15 minute networking stints really work.
Say hello to Mr. 33:
The Champions reach now stems down to the West Texas Town of El Paso, I met a girl...oops wrong. But we did just induct Mr. Jim McCracken from UFirst who becomes Mr. 33 and the fifth new member of the present term. We are especially excited since Jim visited 8 different chapters before choosing Champions...we won the beauty contest and got a great new member as a result. We are happy you are a Champion, Jim! Jim will be mentored by Dr. Paul Kwik.
Our newest International Tabasco Champion for the "hottest" SMM:
Wait for it...Aric Gless for his creativity, time frame, and specific ask. Aric, with the award inures all of the benefits of ownership, a tax deduction and your name on the Champions walk of fame.
December leaders:
Visitors, Clay Colwell
One-to-One Meetings, Jiiiiim Sando
Referrals, Jody Houseman
I believe all of the category winners are new to the winner's circle! Great job fellas.
Chapter Biz:
For the first three years of the new term:
Referrals 2009-275 2010-350
One-to-One Meetings 2009-489 2010-585
Visitors 2009-27 2010-32
Our TYFCB this term to date (first three months) $160,000. Rumor has it that we passed an additional $40,000 today which brings the total to over $200,000. Annualize that and you get $800,000...I bet we exceed that!
Keynoter, Mr. Chris Vasquez of Union Bank:
Chris discussed primary business goals, his competitive difference, his three best clients, things to look and listen for, qualifying questions to ask, power partners, his love of his job, and the best way to reach him...cell phone, 714.396.9497.
Stand and Deliver:
The S and Ds were heart felt...highlighted by Greg Beck and his praise for Brett Adolph. The Champions Spark Plug Award went to the original recipient, Dr. Real for his "pinch hitting" in the L/T meeting and his diligence in presenting the stack day details.
Stack Day February 22nd...be there or be square!
Three categories are:
Merchant Services, General Contractor, and Plumber
More to come each week!
Upcoming Events:
Six Chapter mixer on February 11 billed as OC's second largest mixer (the first was taken). Members from Velocity, Yorba Linda, Liaisons, WOMBATs, Champions, and Premier Business will be present. More to follow in conjunction with the International Networking Week.
The 18th of January will be a "fun" SMM week. More details next week.
The meeting was adjourned with a quote and a hearty happy new year!
My best to you,
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