Woooooooooo, Champions:
A great time was had by all this beautiful Tuesday as we called the Champions promptly at 7:45. There is an air of transition as the chapter will attend leadership training as a group on Saturday. Next year's leadership team is an all star bunch...this year's was not bad...but Gary is assembling his masses and Saturday promises to be epic! All of the visitation today were members from other chapters. We always appreciate visitors from other chapters...especially when they emote at Stand and Deliver. Jodi Salazar found many unique things that she will take back to her chapter and Mike Adray enjoyed the energy. The Hidden Jewel will hear from Mike, I am sure. Our very own Bernadette (ambassador to the Champions) was there to share her wealth of BNI workshop experience. Always great to see Mrs. L!
I really loved the EC moment today! Jim Sando always does a great job and today was no exception. Jim spoke about "profiling your target client", provided an in depth hand out, and challenged each of us be "more" specific next week in our asks.
Aric Gless from Gless Architects spoke about what happens after the plans are drawn and Joe Davis, estate planning attorney extraordinaire spoke about what happens if you do nothing...always a BAD idea when it comes to your estate. These consummate professionals received several heart felt accolades during Stand and Deliver.
Awards and Such:
ITA: the fastest ever from new member to ITA...Joe Salazar! Very well done sir. You have now set the bar VERY high for yourself.
Champion's Spark Plug: Jim Sando for allowing SoCal BNI to use his facility for LT training rehearsal
Congrats to the Champions who will reach our revenue goal a month early! All of those one-to-one meetings certainly have paid off!
Don't forget a few key dates:
Evening Among the Stars, October 7th
Visitor Day October 11th
This Saturday, August 27th, LT Training at the Knott's Berry Farm Resort Hotel at 7:30 AM
Rite_loom is going to be hosting an event next month for chapters that Rite- Loom belongs to...Champions BNI, North Orange County, Client Tell, Business Connection.
It will be September 16th, Friday afternoon from 4:00pm - 8:00pm.
It will be at Rite-Loom Flooring Company - located at 1295 N. Kraemer Blvd, Anaheim Ca 92806
Phone Number [714] 764-1122.
We will be hosting with drinks and appetizers.
We will also be having an open Chili Cook Off Contest for members of these four chapters. There will be a prize awarded for first place.
More info to follow!
Quote Action:
"We make a living based upon what we receive. We make a life based upon what we give." Sir Winston Churchill. Your action for this week is to practice the Giver's Gain philosophy in all that you do.
Make it a Champion week y'all!
Your faithful President,
Allen Buchanan
Another productive meeting! Jodi Salazar, from Prosperity, was impressed enough to tell me that she was going to recommend that members of the leadership team at her chapter come and visit. That makes me feel good!