Welcome to the Champions Chapter of SoCal BNI!
The Champions Chapter of SoCal BNI was founded in April of 2004 and has grown to 32 members! We meet at the Meridian Club in Fullerton, California on Tuesday mornings at 7:30 AM. We would love for you to visit our chapter and consider joining our very diverse and successful group of professionals. For further information, please contact the President, Allen C. Buchanan at 714.564.7104 or email me at abuchanan@lee-associates.com
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI
Woooooooooo, CHAMPIONS:
Today we embark on a new level of energy and a re-worked format...the video recap. With the help of several Champions...Chris Vasquez, Michael Figueroa, Brett Adolph, Jim Sando (film by Robert Perez)and yours truly, please enjoy. Our President select, Gary Lorge took copious notes during the proceedings and please spend a minute and tour those...
From the pen (that is mightier than the sword) of Gary Lorge...AKA Ramblings from the President Select:
"As always we welcome our Visitors and we had a few this week: Lindy Clark, Lisa Stewart, Lourdes Ramos and our visitors from other BNI chapters: Robert Marquez, Johnny Maravelis, and TR Garland. Thank you all for your wonderful presence.
We are blessed with the best EC in BNI and today Jim Sando showed why. Jim taught us a fantastic tool to use at our networking events: Behave like a Host! People will flow to you when you act like a host at an event and not a guest. Fantastic and I’m sure we all can’t wait to use this one!
Our leader for August in the all important category of referrals: Donna Cahoon of Today’s Windows and Doors. Donna clearly gets that "givers gain…"
The ITA this week was soooo close. I loved that Randy Clement believes that all small businesses should be required to have an attorney on staff, but the award goes to…….Kris Hansberger. Kris wins and swears it is her second award because she lost the first on a technicality.
Brett Adolph used a technique that I had never seen before to present his keynote. Payday Payroll is lucky to have him as a talent- lets hope he and Chris Vasquez keep to their day jobs and don’t pursue the stage as a career. Payday payroll sounds like the only place to go for your payroll needs…
Jim Salem informed us that pretty much anyone can become a realtor. Lucky for us our chapter has a Realtor with over 20 years experience and an MBA from USC(my fingers just burned as I typed those letters). Jim showed us the type of work he does on behalf of his clients and it is AWESOME!
Finally, the Champion spark plug award goes to yours truly. I refuse this award and give it to all of those that attended Leadership training the past few days. We had more participants (as a percentage of members) than any other chapter. You are all tremendous!
See you next week!"
Nice job Gary!
Make it a Champion week everybody!
Your faithful President,
Allen Buchanan
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI

Woooooooooo, Champions:
A great time was had by all this beautiful Tuesday as we called the Champions promptly at 7:45. There is an air of transition as the chapter will attend leadership training as a group on Saturday. Next year's leadership team is an all star bunch...this year's was not bad...but Gary is assembling his masses and Saturday promises to be epic! All of the visitation today were members from other chapters. We always appreciate visitors from other chapters...especially when they emote at Stand and Deliver. Jodi Salazar found many unique things that she will take back to her chapter and Mike Adray enjoyed the energy. The Hidden Jewel will hear from Mike, I am sure. Our very own Bernadette (ambassador to the Champions) was there to share her wealth of BNI workshop experience. Always great to see Mrs. L!
I really loved the EC moment today! Jim Sando always does a great job and today was no exception. Jim spoke about "profiling your target client", provided an in depth hand out, and challenged each of us be "more" specific next week in our asks.
Aric Gless from Gless Architects spoke about what happens after the plans are drawn and Joe Davis, estate planning attorney extraordinaire spoke about what happens if you do nothing...always a BAD idea when it comes to your estate. These consummate professionals received several heart felt accolades during Stand and Deliver.
Awards and Such:
ITA: the fastest ever from new member to ITA...Joe Salazar! Very well done sir. You have now set the bar VERY high for yourself.
Champion's Spark Plug: Jim Sando for allowing SoCal BNI to use his facility for LT training rehearsal
Congrats to the Champions who will reach our revenue goal a month early! All of those one-to-one meetings certainly have paid off!
Don't forget a few key dates:
Evening Among the Stars, October 7th
Visitor Day October 11th
This Saturday, August 27th, LT Training at the Knott's Berry Farm Resort Hotel at 7:30 AM
Rite_loom is going to be hosting an event next month for chapters that Rite- Loom belongs to...Champions BNI, North Orange County, Client Tell, Business Connection.
It will be September 16th, Friday afternoon from 4:00pm - 8:00pm.
It will be at Rite-Loom Flooring Company - located at 1295 N. Kraemer Blvd, Anaheim Ca 92806
Phone Number [714] 764-1122.
We will be hosting with drinks and appetizers.
We will also be having an open Chili Cook Off Contest for members of these four chapters. There will be a prize awarded for first place.
More info to follow!
Quote Action:
"We make a living based upon what we receive. We make a life based upon what we give." Sir Winston Churchill. Your action for this week is to practice the Giver's Gain philosophy in all that you do.
Make it a Champion week y'all!
Your faithful President,
Allen Buchanan
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI
Wooooooooo CHAMPIONS! or as they say at the "shore"...How you doin?
If you are wondering why your faithful president (I am the one on the right, Kris Hansberger, AKA Snookie, is on the left) is dressed like a "wise guy", it is because our meeting and SMMs were themed with a G-rated "Jersey Shore" parody...Wow! I was really worried about the results but I have to say that the outcome was truly tremendous! We all had a blast and we filmed the ENTIRE meeting! With the help of our crack videographer, Robert A. Perez, we should be able to edit something memorable for all of us. Thanks to Robert and ALL of the Champions that made today truly epic and most importantly, fun! If you missed today's meeting...Fahggit about it! If you were offended...whatta ya gonna do?
The highlights:
Visitation...2 Qualified visitors, Jerry Tortoro from FUN and Victoria Martinez from Good Vibrayshuns, mobile DJ. Victoria has been our server from Collettes for 2 and 1/2 years. She is an honorary ITA winner and was last week's Champion spark Plug winner...AND she can sing. This was Victoria's first visit as a "non-server" and she complimented us on our growth, professionalism, fun, and the serious business that we refer each week. She is DEFINITELY going to join a BNI chapter soon. Linda subbed for Mark Bill, Kathryn Deiters from Business Connections subbed for Christina Pham, and Megan Sachs visited to witness Robert do his thing. Rounding out the visitation was Tom Sheltraw from Coastal Connections BNI. Thanks for attending Champions Shore!
Great Keynote by the World Famous Bo Lowe who demonstrated just how easy the SOC system is to use!
Chapter Biz...record in 1-2-1s...BUT the proof is in the TYFCB as we eclipsed $700,000 and with today's take we are unofficially approaching $750,000...Ka Ching!
ITA winner was Donna Cahoon who was stunning in her poofed coiff. We barely made it through the SMMs as the room was hysterically laughing at the "shore themed" introductions.
Kathy Penton, healed pooch and all, was this week's CSP (Champion Spark Plug) winner. Thanks Kathy for replenishing our stock of tiny Tabasco bottles for the ITA awards.
Give it up for the great job the GRC team...Dr. Real, Michael Figueroa, and Jody Houseman...also the Sheriff, Greg Beck are doing with the visitor day planning. Don't forget about the day...October 11, 2011! You won't want to miss this folks!
Please sign up for the Leadership Training! For those having difficulty with the sign up...please contact our director, award winning trainer and director of SoCal BNI training, Lem Bucago. Lem can be emailed at lem@socalbni.com.
The "Evening" is fast approaching. If you signed up, the money is due. If you would like to attend let us know and we will see if there is a spot for you. Please remit to Rosanne.
You ALL are inspiring to me! Thanks for allowing me to lead you to places rarely trodden by BNI chapters! I believe the experience speaks volumes. Woooooooo, CHAMPIONS!
Please make it a Champion week ya'll.
Your faithful President,
Allen Buchanan
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI

Wooooooooo, CHAMPIONS!
"When you keynote, pick an item to give away that will cause your chapter members to always think of you" Jim Sando, Education Coordinator for the Champions. The tag to the left...if you scan it...will be something that causes all of you to think of me...which created a flurry of memories of the "year of the Champions" (almost) while I have served as your chapter President. What are the things that I remember when I think of each of you? Here they are by member:
Jim Salem, that friendly smile every week
Patrick O'Kane, what part of his body was to be injured next
Chuck Tipton, "hair on fire"...
Jim McCracken, amortization made simple
Kris Hansberger, "you can slip it"
Angelo Dionisiou, the next time I beat him to a meeting will be the first
Gary Lorge, the impromptu Frank Sinatra SMM...epic!
Bill Edman, Quack Quack
Randy Clement, the father and son SMM during bring you child to BNI week
Doug Luchansky, the "build your company keynote"
Greg Beck, (if only one)...gotta be the SMM where he became the "sheriff"
Rosanne Grigsby, wow! the fighter!
Chris Vasquez, his home purchase utilizing the best the Champions has to offer
Steven Stakley, four time ITA winner...and still seven weeks to go!
Jim Sando, EC moments to a whole new level
Brett Adolph, when will he win the ITA?
Carmina Perez, that beautiful smile (see Jim Salem)
Robert A. Perez, what happens at Champions stays on You Tube
Aric Gless, the scaled drawing of the venue for buffet planning purposes
Joe Davis, the pirate hat
Christina Pham, bringing a visitor while visiting
Dr. Real, three time ITA and mentor to several other ITA winners
Dr. Kwik, the SMM which included a "mock pregnancy"
Kathy Penton, the gardening hat
Steve Barnett, (see Chris Vasquez)
Bo Lowe, the ENERGY...every week!
James Kashi, "good morning, Chuck"
Mark Bill, "I'm not a computer guy"
Jody Houseman, the ITA winner using a simulated hammer on the roof (see Dr. Real)
Michael Figueroa, his impassioned recap of his employer
Donna Cahoon, quickest ITA winner on record
So there you have it. I will think of you all when these items are mentioned.
Make it a Champion week everybody!
Your faithful President,
Allen Buchanan
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI

Wooooooooo CHAMPIONS!
A BNI Testimonial:
Today, I want to spend a minute and talk about the power of this organization, BNI, the subset of which is SoCal BNI, the subset once again which is Champions SoCal BNI and how this translates into visitors to our chapter and importantly to all of us the dollars that we receive when we gain through our giving. A huge shout out to two of our Directors and one of our fellow chapter members (from another chapter) who sent visitors to the hallowed halls of the Champions today! Todd Hansberger sent us his lovely wife Kris who is our newest member and our Secretary/Treasurer select. Todd also sent us Chris Hartshorn from Wholesale Capital Corporation. Chris (not Mrs. Hansberger) wanted to join an established chapter vs the south county start-up he manages and sent him our way. Dan Fowler has sent us three visitors recently and Hema Dey sent us (with a little coaching from your faithful President) Alex Ribble from Big Chief Creative Media. Our heartfelt thanks ya'll for the strong vote of confidence and a true giver's gain mentality! the capper, however, was that a visitor from last week, Les Davidson, sent one of his subs, George Giberstein, owner of Sprinklerman. Additionally, Randy Hurtt, invited by Mark Bill was present as well as two gentlemen from Yorba Linda Mobile carwash...Oscar and Javier Ortega...invited by Dr. Paul. And lest we forget, Joseph Salazar of Net Wiz who submitted an app and apparently already knows Alex Ribble and refers him biz...hmmm we call that a Power Team! For those keeping score at home, that was lucky seven visitors! We also welcomed two subs from other chapters AND the esteemed Martin Neil of Caliber Signs who attended to provide a testimonial for Robert Perez who produced the video below for Martin's business...that is a shameless plug for Robert and for Martin...but they are both THAT good!
Our keynote presenters, Donna Cahoon of Today's Windows and Doors and Cristina Pham of Select Printing and Graphics shared some things that they have in common...although it was not planned...both are native Californians, both are generational owners of their businesses and both have locations which you should visit. The passion and expertise was evident and PLEASE refer all of your friends and countrymen to these wonderful ladies! They will exceed your expectations!
Recognition and Biz: (in order of appearance)
Greg Beck the Sheriff reported that for the ten months ending July 31, 2011, the Champions have:
Given 1171 referrals
Participated in 2476 1-2-1s
Welcomed 95 Visitors
Thanked for $652,000!
Must be some sorta record...we are going with that!
1-2-1 leader(s) for July...Kris Hansberger and Bo Lowe
Referral leader for July...Donna Cahoon
Visitation leader for July...Steven Stakley
ITA winner for the third time...Mr. Jim McCracken! Jim Sando provided a great EC moment on the "specific ask"...a VERY crucial element to incorporate into your profitable intro!
Champion Spark Plug Winner...All of the Champions for the below effort. We love you Clay and are praying for your speedy recovery and return to your spot with the Champions!
From Jenni Nering regarding a note she received from Clay Colwell...a true Champion!
"Hi Allen,
I am tallying up all of the chapter star award winners for the celebration. I was really touched by one of the Champions response and I wanted to pass it along. The Champions is a great place to belong!!!!
His nominee was” “every member of the chapter”
His reason: “I am a former member of the Champions and recently I was diagnosed with Two different types of cancer. I have had to withdraw from BNI since then simply because I cannot work while going through treatment and surgery, and it will be a long process which could take 6-9 months. Everyone in the chapter has reached out and offered their support and help, with Joe Davis really stepping up and helping me to get my estate set up almost over night, and Chris Vasquez who helped me get my bank accounts all rearranged and in order. And I cannot leave out people like Allen, Bo, Jim, Steven, Dr Real, Greg, Bill and Kathy who went out of their way to contact me many times to see how I was. And I cannot forget Rosanne, who was also going through a battle of her own with cancer and yet still extended herself. Being a member of the Champions was like having an extended family, who one of these days I fully intend to come back and visit with again once I am Cancer FREE!”
Jenni Nering
Executive Director
In the immortal words of Forrest Gump..."and that is all that I have to say about that!"
Please make it a Champion Week.
Your Faithful President
Allen Buchanan
champions SoCal BNI,
clay colwell,
Dan Fowler Red River Productions,
Hema Dey,
Jenni Nering,
lem bucago,
orange county networking,
President's Weekly Letter,
SoCal BNI,
todd hansberger
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