Welcome to the Champions Chapter of SoCal BNI!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI
Well we will start the last weekly letter of of 2010 with an image montage from the VERY talented Ms. Carla Buchanan, my wife of over 31 years, recent graduate of FIDM, future small business owner and visitor to the Champions SoCal BNI chapter this morning! I hope you enjoy the images!
The room was splendid with holiday decor, several Santa hats, and visitors, visitors, visitors! We inducted our 32nd member in the person of Dan McCoy from Paul Davis Restoration. Welcome to the Champions Dan! We know that you will be a welcome addition to our trades and real estate group.
The Champions welcomed the aforementioned Carla Buchanan with Carla Buchanan Designs, Steve Pitchford from Search Optimizers, Doug Symank from Priority Plumbing, representing himself as a general contractor was Joseph Lynch, Jack Tafreshi who will blaze a new venture in 2011, and Patty Deloera a real estate investor. Returning for his third visit was Jim McCracken of UFirst and subbing for Gary Lorge was Cody Hicks...whew! That is a lot of non stack day visitation! A VERY special guest in the person of Dawn Revelle, from Spark of Love and the Fullerton Fire Department was present to collect the toys that the Champions donated. Dawn also collected something much more meaningful...but more on that later.
EC Moment:
Jim Sando, complete with his own custom Santa hat educated us with the theme, when did someone do something special for you and tied the message in to the season of giving. After all as BNI members we aspire to the motto "givers gain".
SMMs and Tabasco award:
Bill Edman, quack, quack, confessed in the Stand and Deliver that a certain member (Jim Sando) has schooled him on the quality of his "asks". Well if Mr. Sando consults small businesses (and we know he does) as well as he counseled Bill Edman...we will have many more Tabasco winning small businesses. Bill's SMM was spot on...the opening was catchy "definition of insurance", the message flowed to the specific ask for an introduction to Gary Cooper from 3D Instruments in Anaheim and Bill quack, quacked before the bell rang him back into his seat! Steven Stakley sang his moment as did Greg Beck, but Bill's was clearly the best IMHO!
Keynote Pitches:
Rosanne Grigsby from Grigsby Bookkeeping and Rutger Hensel from Branding Personality delivered two very fine Keynotes today...the last of 2010. Rosanne described her "desire" which resulted from overcoming personal adversity to graduate from college and licking cancer. She takes the same tenacity into her bookkeeping assignments. I loved the color squares that Rosanne blended into the pitch...very visual. Well, we can win an IPad if we refer the most biz to Rutger in the first three months of 2011. Rutger expertly explained SMM, SEO, Google ad words, SMO, and how the whole lot of them combine to create a great online marketing strategy. Rutger and his lovely wife Marieke have quite a passion for the auto industry and have great success stories for transforming their branding through social media.
Stand...or should we say kneel and deliver?
The Stand and Deliver portion of the meeting was eclipsed by Clay Colwell kneeling in front of his soon to be bride, Dawn Revelle...that is correct, the same Dawn that was at our meeting to collect toys! Well, she collected a whole lot more as we witnessed. The moment was special for all of the Champions and I know that Dawn and Clay will never forget where Clay "popped the question". Greg and Rosanne were quick to point out that both Dawn and Clay are in line for the joint tax filing benefit...gotta love the tax folks! Best of luck for a VERY happy life together, you two! Clay also doubled down and won the Champions Spark Plug Award...but who else?
Spark of Champions:
The Champions chapter donated many, many toys for the Spark of Love campaign. We should be very proud of the giver's attitude that filled the room with toys today. I am confident that many children will have a merrier Christmas because of the giving!
The meeting was adjourned with a quote and a wish. The quote: "If your holiday spirit is not in your heart...you will have a tough time finding it under a tree." The wish: to all Champions, friends, and loved ones, have a VERY safe and sane Holiday season!
Presidentially Yours,
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI
SMMs and Tabasco:
EC Moment:
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome:
Next Week:
Old Biz:
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Morn' of our Stack Day, Another Holiday Parody

The Morn' of our"Stack Day"
Modified by Allen C. Buchanan, President of Champions SoCal BNI
A Holiday Parody on the story
"The Night Before Christmas"
by Clement Clarke Moore
or Henry Livingston
'Twas the Morn of our Stack Day, before the agenda;
Not a visitor was stirring, not even a pretenda.
The breakfast was set by Victoria with care;
In hopes that the visitors soon would be there.
The LT was ready all secure in their roles;
While visions of referrals increased the chapter's goals.
And the Sec/Treas with her buzzer, and I with my shtick;
Had just settled down for 7:30 to tick.
When out on the lot there arose such a clatter;
I sprang from the table to see what was the matter.
Away to the visitor table I flew like a flash;
Tore open the name tags and braced for the crash.
The sign on the steps of the Meridian Club;
Pointed up to our room near the racquetball hub.
When, what to our GRC team should appear;
But visitors in new categories from everywhere.
I knew in a moment that the name tags would stick.
And we whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Sign Guy! now, Lawyer! now, Roofer and Electrician!
Get a place at the table, Don't be Stupid! Block your competition!
We called the Champions to order the best we were able.
As the leadership team was introduced with applause;
It became apparent to all that the guests were our cause.
The best EC moment delivered with deft.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around;
The Sales Manager Moments commenced to abound.
We were all rapt attention, as the Keynotes began;
And our knowledge increased as the ten minutes ran.
The guests -- how they twinkled! their smiles how merry!
Their anticipation peaked as we approached the query.
The Stand and Deliver was especially compelling;
As we passed referrals, referrals, and the dollars were swelling.
As the moment approached for the orientation;
The visitors stood and heard a standing ovation.
The rules were explained with the utmost of care;
and the new apps were shared with the greatest of flair.
As the guests returned to the room with exclaim;
We hoped that the Stack Day had not been in vein.
A wink of the Veep's eye and a twist of his head;
Soon gave me to know we had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work;
And approved all the apps; then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose;
And giving a nod, up to the podium he strode.
He sprang to the dais, to his Champions gave a whistle;
and twelve members were added like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, as the meeting adjourned;
"Happy Stack Day to Champions, the Corners Been Turned!"
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Twelve Months of Champions (A Holiday Parody), The Video
OK, Ya'll, you asked for it and you got it!! Here is the Twelve Months of Champions...the video version!! We taped this at our recent Christmas Social.
Starring (First through twelfth): Dr. Hercules Real, Michael Figueroa, Doug Luchansky, Christian Vasquez, Bo Lowe, Greg Beck, Jim Sando, Dr. Paul Kwik, Aric Gless, Chuck Tipton Jr., Angelo Dionisiou, and our Area Director, Lem Bucago.
Produced by our very own Robert Perez!!! Videographer to the Champions!!!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Episode 184, BNIs New Global Branded Look
Here are the five reasons for the change:
1. BNI is a global organization and brand (almost 5o countries worldwide)
2. The brand needs to be memorable visibly
3. The protection of the brand
4. Uniform look will protect against copying
5. Protects poaching from others
This new logo cements the credibility of our organization and keeps us "coloring between the lines" as the organization grows!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI

As previously written in October, "Calling the Champions" is a play on a semi-"religious" event that occurs multiple times at Arkansas Razorback football games. Having hailed from these hallowed grounds, calling the hogs is in my DNA...and the DNA of my children!! The call was heard from our weekly meetings and the Arkansas Razorbacks completed their Sugar Bowl recipe and were awarded the school's VERY first BCS bowl bid to play in the Sugar Bowl against Ohio State on January 4th!! After calling the Champions this morning a "bowl" of "sugar packets" was prominently placed at the LT dais in celebration of the Champions "calling" efforts. I believe some of our SC fans who are without a bowl birth this year became de facto Hog fans for the bowl!! Go Hogs!! and great job Champions!! Enough of this excess frivolity and on to the chapter biz:
Ahhhh...the International Tabasco Award for the "hottest" SMM:
How about those November Individual leaders??...and Chapter Stats??...
Special Thanks:
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Twelve Months of Champions (A Holiday Parody)

In the second month of Champions my chapter gave to me, 2 Vis-it-tors, and a T-Y-F-C-B.
In the third month of Champions my chapter gave to me, 3 Stack Days, 2 vis-it-tors, and a T-Y-F-C-B.
In the fourth month of Champions my chapter gave to me, 4 Power Teams, 3 stack days, 2 vis-it-tors, and a T-Y-F-C-B.
In the fifth month of Champions my chapter gave to me, 5 One-to-Ones..., 4 power teams, 3 stack days, 2 vis-it-tors, and a T-Y-F-C-B.
In the sixth month of Champions my chapter gave to me, 6 Chapters Forming, 5 one-to-ones..., 4 power teams, 3 stack days, 2 vis-it-tors, and a T-Y-C-F-B.
In the seventh month of Champions my chapter gave to me, 7 Keynote Pitches, 6 chapters forming, 5 one-to-ones..., 4 power teams, 3 stack days, 2 vis-it-tors, and a T-Y-F-C-B.
In the eighth month of Champions my chapter gave to me, 8 LT Trainings, 7 keynote pitches, 6 chapters forming, 5 one-to-ones..., 4 power teams, 3 stack days, 2 vis-it-tors, and a T-Y-F-C-B.
In the ninth month of Champions my chapter gave to me, 9 Mentors Menting, 8 LT trainings, 7 keynote pitches, 6 chapters forming, 5 one-to-ones..., 4 power teams, 3 stack days, 2 vis-it-tors, and a T-Y-F-C-B.
In the tenth month of Champions my chapter gave to me, 10 Apps Reviewing, 9 mentors menting, 8 LT trainings, 7 keynote pitches, 6 chapters forming, 5 one-to-ones..., 4 power teams, 3 stack days, 2 vis-it-ors, and a T-Y-F-C-B.
In the eleventh month of Champions my chapter gave to me, 11 Veeps Reporting, 10 apps reviewing, 9 mentors menting, 8 LT trainings, 7 keynote pitches, 6 chapters forming, 5 one-to-ones..., 4 power teams, 3 stack days, 2 vis-it-tors, and a T-Y-F-C-B.
And in the twelfth month of Champions my chapter gave to me, 12 EC Moments, 11 veeps reporting, 10 apps reviewing, 9 mentors menting, 8 LT trainings, 7 keynote pitches, 6 chapters forming, 5 one-to-ones..., 4 power teams, 3 stack days, 2 vis-it-tors, and a T-Y-F-C-B!!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Gramma Betty's, A Great Gift Idea
A Brief History:
In the early 1940s Gramma Betty began making candy using a family recipe passed down from generation to generation. It started with a delightful milk chocolate turtles & praliné recipe her great grandmother discovered in Paris, France. Today, the family takes great pride in these recipes and ships these gourmet candies coast to coast.
When you share Gramma Betty's you are sharing a family holiday tradition. We hope you'll consider starting a tradition of your own. Happy Holidays!
You can contact Gramma Betty's:
13337 South Street, Ste 14, Cerritos, CA 90703
1-714-521-0555 • 1-877-521-2655
Friday, December 3, 2010
Slip-It by Platinum Coast a MUST watch
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Episode 183: “Ten Networking Questions”
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
From Naysayer to Leading Referrer
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI

International Tabasco Award for "hottest" SMM:
October Leaders in 1-2-1s, referrals, and visitors:
Champions Spark Plug (awarded to the Champion who went above and beyond):
Outstanding Keynotes:
EC Moment:
Chapter Biz:
December 21, last regular meeting of this year, we will participate with Dawn Revelle and the Spark of Love toy campaign and contribute unwrapped toys. Dawn will be at our meeting to take the toys with her. Dawn was featured in the OC Register last weekend. You can read the article by clicking here.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Episode 182: “The Best 60-Second Presentation I Ever Heard”
You can listen to the podcast by clicking here. Enjoy the information!
November Chapter Success Forum

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI

Sunday, November 21, 2010
BNI Podcast: Episode 181: “Turn the 80/20 Rule Upside Down”
Click here to listen to this week's podcast on the 80%/20% rule:
Jim Butcher from Capital Trust Realty, “retired” president of the East Texas and Houston East region of BNI, joins Dr. Misner to talk about how his chapter used Fast Track to ensure that every single member brings 3-4 referral every week. That’s more than 300 referrals per month, up from 100-150 before the program.
The Pareto Principle says that 20% of the people yield 80% of the results. Chapters that find themselves in this position are usually operating at the Visibility level of the VCP process. Once you get to Credibility, you can get 80% of the members bringing results.
One technique they applied is to focus their 60-second commercials on asking for referrals, and even asking for introductions to specific people.
Sign your chapter up for the Fast Track program at www.bninetworkingsecrets.com. Make sure to contact Flynn or Sara to arrange for additional coaching.
Brought to you by Networking Now.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI
Champions SoCal BNI went international today!! We welcomed two international guests that are in town to attend the International BNI Conference in SoCal this week. Bianca Kroon from the Netherlands and Tekst College and Fred van Zwieten, the Executive Director from Den Haag in the Netherlands as well. I had the honor of chauffeuring our two esteemed guests to and from the Hyatt and thoroughly enjoyed learning about them and then hearing their feedback about the Champions!!
Pictured at the right are Greg Beck, VP, me, Bianca Kroon, Fred van Zwieten, and Rosanne Grigsby, Secretary/Treasurer.
Bianca delivered to the Champions some of the best cookies I have ever tasted and the Champions chapter gave both guests a goodie bag filled with Champions swag. Today was truly a treat and we are soo happy that Bianca and Fred chose to visit our chapter. We also welcomed three other visiting BNI members...Randy Clement, a business attorney, Jim Reyes, a staffing services rep, and Liz Matthews, a Mary Kay cosmetics consultant! Stephanie Quick subbed for Doug Luchansky of ACI.
We called the Champions promptly at 7:45 and proceeded through the meeting with much excitement! The biggest hit of the day was the "Tabasco award" for the hottest SMM. Maurice Herron delivered the first SMM as the Tabasco winner from last week. The SMMs were all great and there were some VERY close encounters. In the end, Maurice chose Bo Lowe for his broken arm, stamped headed request for appreciation marketing. Next week Bo will go first and select his winner of the increasingly popular Tabasco award! Bianca and Fred plan to incorporate this idea into their chapter meetings in the Netherlands. I wonder if the have Tabasco there??
EC Moment:
Jim Sando reminded us in the EC moment that we are a sales organization and that we track stats. He encouraged us to reach out to those in the chapter that are in need of assistance delivering referrals and give them helpful tips to increase their volume.
VP and Membership:
The Champions, last week, passed 26 referrals, completed 62 1-2-1 meetings, welcomed 2 visitors, and achieved TYFCB of $12,944...Ka Ching!!
Keynotes: (video to follow)
Two terrific Keynotes were delivered by Ela Corcoran and Richard Lane. Ela spoke on aging. Ela's slogan is "how old you are is not her business...but how you age is!" Ela's keys to success are her drive, her faith, and her commitment. We are soo happy that Ela is a Champion.
Richard Lane spoke about his passion...computers. Richard skillfully outlined three key things to consider with respect to his services...Employ two screens, Have a good back up system, and configure your smart phone correctly. I recently bought a computer from Richard and he is the best. I know that Richard's message resonated with our guests! Bianca and Fred were trying to figure out how to buy a machine here and ship it to the Netherlands. Way to go Richard...visitors DO in fact buy!!
Stand and Deliver:
Fred gave his stand and deliver in his native tongue. Only two others understood...but Rutger said we were good!! Whew...
Next week is a BIG week with stack day! Attention all business attorneys, hairdressers, and merchant service providers...WE WANT YOU to be a Champion!! Come to our meeting next week!!
The meeting was closed with an action quote from the late Robert F. Kennedy!
Make it a Champion Week!!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Harvey Mackay in SoCal, What a Treat

A You Tube Interview with Mr. Mackay on Networking:
Harvey Mackay is the author of the New York Times #1 bestsellers Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive and Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt. Both books are among the top 15 inspirational business books of all time, according to the New York Times. In total, Harvey's books have sold 10 million copies worldwide, been translated into 37 languages and sold in 80 countries.
Harvey is a nationally syndicated columnist for United Feature Syndicate, whose weekly articles appear in 52 newspapers around the country, including the Chicago Sun Times, Rocky Mountain News, Orange County Register, Minneapolis Star Tribune and Arizona Republic.
He also is one of America's most popular and entertaining business speakers. Toastmasters International named him one of the top five speakers in the world.
At age 26, he purchased a small, failing envelope company in 1959 which has grown to a $100 million business employing over 600 people. MackayMitchell Envelope Company is one of the nation's major envelope manufacturers, producing 25 million envelopes a day. As chairman, Harvey's philosophy is engrained in the company, beginning with its motto: Do what you love, love what you do and deliver more than you promise.
Harvey is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and the Stanford University Graduate School of Business Executive Program. He is an avid runner and marathoner, and former #1 ranked tennis player in Minnesota.
He currently sits on the board of the Minnesota Orchestra and is a former director on Robert Redford's Sundance Institute and the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management. He has been a guest lecturer at various universities and business schools, including Harvard, Stanford, Michigan, Cornell, Wharton and Penn State.
Central to Harvey's business, and to his books, is the ability to stay competitive in the often cut-throat world of business, to 'swim with the sharks', without sacrificing one's personal integrity or doing it at the expense of other people. He does this by focusing on building strong relationships with both customers and employees.
In fact, Harvey is a master of networking. He believes most people make the mistake of only turning to their network when they need it; for example, when they're looking for a new job. Harvey says that networking is a lifelong practice that provides you with new knowledge and experiences, job security, expanded financial reach, and the strength of the group. The secret to maintaining a great network is, above all, knowing the value of the personal touch.
In spite of his hectic schedule, Harvey still finds plenty of time for family and fun. He's an avid golfer (11.4 handicap) and recently won the Super Senior Men's Championship at his home club in Scottsdale!
He and his wife, Carol Ann, have been married over 45 years, and enjoy spending time with their nine grandchildren. They are avid travelers, taking an annual trip to Italy, and planning upcoming tours of China and Africa.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Success Net, November Issue! Champions!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
President's Weekly Letter, Champions SoCal BNI
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Champions Microsoft Tag

OK, this is REALLY cool!! You will need to download the tag reader on your smart phone to read the code to the left. The website is http://gettag.mobi. Once you have the reader, point toward the code and you will be delivered directly to the blog from your mobile device!! More to come on this exciting technology!!