Wooooooo, CHAMPIONS!!
Well, well, I believe the Champions enjoyed turkey day and the four day holiday a great deal as the energy level needed a little lift once the Champions were called promptly at 7:45. The room was rather sparse with visitors but we did welcome Peter Buechler, a certified financial planner with Cohesive Financial. Peter subbed for Angelo but seemed very interested in applying if we can find an open category for him. I noticed that Peter and Steven Stakley were in serious talks about how they could work together and not conflict. Recognition ruled the day however as the meeting was highlighted by several recognition opportunities:
International Tabasco Award for "hottest" SMM:
.........and the winner was........Chris Vasquez!! Congrats Chris. Your name now is permanently attached to the hallowed pepper and a small bottle will be placed prominently in front of your seat from here forth. You get to start the SMMs next week and choose the winner.
October Leaders in 1-2-1s, referrals, and visitors:
Greg Beck, Bo Lowe, Ela Corcoran, Brett Adolph (absent because of strep throat...wait, that's what Jenni has...must be going around...feel better guys!!), and Dr. Paul Kwik were all called to the dais and the leaders announced...Brett for 1-2-1s and referrals...Chapter Star?? and Dr. Paul with the visitors!
Champions Spark Plug (awarded to the Champion who went above and beyond):
Given during the Stand and Deliver portion of the meeting to emphasize its importance, to Ms. Rosanne Grigsby who while moving, servicing an ailing auto, nursing a sick mom back to health, still found time to plan the Champions Christmas Social, design and print a brochure to announce the event, plan the menu (she will prepare it also)...whew!! You can see why she won! Thanks for making the chapter GREAT, Rosanne!
Stack Day Winners:
They call them "mellow yellow"!!...the winner is the Yellow Team. Give it up for the Yellow Team Cap, Ela Corcoran and her teammates: Robert, Rutger, Brett, Jim Sando, James, and Bo. The team finished with 860 points...Champion effort, mellow yellow!!
Outstanding Keynotes:
We had the privilege of hearing Michael Figueroa and Tom Roberts today. Michael gave us a primer on wood floors and the subtle difference between engineered and "tree". Michael has built his career on the saying that "if you do it right, they will tell a friend, if you do it wrong, they will tell the world!"...great motto for word of mouth referring. Michael would like introductions to hospital facility managers as he has extensive experience in hospital flooring. Tom is in transition and did a brilliant job of outlining his background, accomplishments (Eagle Scout), Skills, and perfect companies for his services. Tom epitomized the BSA slogan and was VERY prepared for the presentation. I believe that all of the Champions left with a much better understanding of the position Tom is seeking.
EC Moment:
Jim Sando took a risk and asked for audience participation in answering "what is your biggest obstacle to receiving more referrals?" The question was one of the many survey questions that Jim asked of the chapter before his term began and these survey questions have formed the bases for many of Jim's EC moments. The prevailing reasons seem to be the segue from conversation to request and knowledge of those in need of the services. A specific ask in the SMM should help all of the Champions receive more quality referrals...and the Tabasco Award!!
Chapter Biz:
November vs October...more 1-2-1s, more referrals, more visitors!!
December 21, last regular meeting of this year, we will participate with Dawn Revelle and the Spark of Love toy campaign and contribute unwrapped toys. Dawn will be at our meeting to take the toys with her. Dawn was featured in the OC Register last weekend. You can read the article by clicking here.
TYFCB...$58,900 this month...$26,000 ahead of Oct and Nov of 2009!! Ka-Ching!!!
Due$ are due so don't be blue next week!!
Christmas Social, Thursday December 9th, Branding Personality, 6:30-8:00. If you want to participate in the gift exchange, bring a wrapped gift for you and one for your spouse, guest, significant other, etc.
December 21, last regular meeting of this year, we will participate with Dawn Revelle and the Spark of Love toy campaign and contribute unwrapped toys. Dawn will be at our meeting to take the toys with her. Dawn was featured in the OC Register last weekend. You can read the article by clicking here.
The meeting was closed with a dialogue quote from the movie Airplane in memory of Leslie Neilsen who died last weekend.
Make it a Champion week!!
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