Woooooooooo, CHAMPIONS!
Adios, Au Revior, Sayanara, etc. Today was not goodbye...it was so long! Today marked the end of our term as a leadership team. We left the plane in great hands with Gary Lorge, Aric Gless, Kris Hansberger, et al! I have composed a brief recap of the last six months April 2011-September 2011 for your viewing pleasure.
I will remember fondly all of the Champions who served in this year's leadership term:
Vice President, Greg Beck-Greg has served in many positions but not VP until this year. When I was asked to be President, I told Lem Bucago...under one condition...that Greg will agree to be VP!
Secretary/Treasurer, Rosanne Grigsby and Joe Davis-Only one choice in my book...Rosanne! Thanks Joe for ably filling in when Rosanne was sick.
Membership Committee Chair, Aric Gless-accomplished the task with the skill and precision of an architect...oh yeah...he is an architect!
Mentor Chair, Steven Stakley-My personal mentor long before he held the position! Certain people just fit the role...Steven fits the role!
Education Coordinator, Jim Sando-WOW!
GRC, Michael Figueroa-Michael took over the position when Emily Davidson left the chapter. Michael learned by fire and performed brilliantly!
Visitor Host, Angelo Dionisiou-Angelo also took over lead visitor host when Tom Roberts left. Working with a president who was a former visitor host and a "glorified visitor host" this year is not easy. Mix in a commute from Carlsbad and a new baby and the task becomes extremely tough. Angelo set the bar this year with his effort!
Members at Large-Y'all are the best!
Congrats to Alex Ribble...number 31! Also thanks to Hema Dey of Premier Professionals...you know why!
A special thanks to Lem Bucago (great keynote on BNI Connect), our Director; Bernadette Lazzara, our ambassador, Lonie Misner-Feigerle, and Jeremy Ball from the San Gabriel Valley and Inland Empire Region , Tom Galan (visitor for a second time), and Russ from Dream Team for attending my swan song! It was great to have you all witness the power of the Champions!
Remember, your leadership term is a journey and don't stop believing!
Make it a Champion week, y'all!
Your faithful President,
Allen Buchanan
Well...this was interesting. I have been a BNI'er for about 14 months, and this morning I heard 7 year veteran Greg Beck say that the past 12 months were the best he's seen! So, I have been introduced to BNI and indoctrinated by the best. That's gratifying! Everyone knows that Allen is the best. But do you know why? A quick analysis will review three characteristics of Allen's tenure as President: 1. He picks great people to provide services...he's an excellent judge of Character! Greg as VP, Rosanne as S/T, Aric in Membership, just to name a few. 2. He isn't afraid to do something off-the-wall. He's confident, has a strong self-image, and doesn't have a problem trying something goofy or funny. It always works for him. 3. He ALWAYS demonstrates appreciation. I think that he ended every conversation with me by thanking me for my efforts and complimenting me. Who wouldn't run through a couple of brick walls for someone like that? So, to the entire leadership team from 2010/11...thank you from a new-bee. It's nice being trained by the best!
ReplyDeleteMr. Sando left out a VERY IMPORTANT component of our success...his expert education! Jim is a natural teacher and mentor which is a PERFECT combo for an EC. I am so pleased that Jim agreed to serve as the EC and that we became better friends. Jim is a consummate professional who always places "what is best for the client" as the primary motivator for any decision. Jim has now translated that "givers" philosophy into his BNI activities. I am in awe of his ability to educate and motivate so articulately. I hope that I can be half the EC that Jim became and am so excited to see where he takes the Mentor program. I predict he will forge new turf and set the mentoring bar vey high. I would love to see Jim get a shot to train the region's mentors next year...stay tuned. Thanks for the kind words!