Woooooooo, CHAMPIONS!!
Well the visitation was more like the old days...four qualified, five other chapter members (Christina Pham rolled 'em out for her keynote), and our own Bernadette Lazzara...ambassador to the stars...'er Champions!
Qualified:Tom Roby, Spectrum Financial
Richard Sheridan, Sheridan Financial
Chad Evers, Advanced Parking Systems
Mark Ives, Business Development
BNI Chapter Guests:Michelle MacNeil
Ronald Charest, Liaisons
Michael Giovannetti, Premier Professionals
Danny Chen, Strategic Alliance
Leonard Brezarich, Velocity
Bernardette Lazzara, our ambassador
ITA:The International Tabasco Competition for the hottest sales manager moment was indeed heated today. I am happy that I did not award the pepper as I had four or five well qualified recipients...Angelo, Gary Lorge (via sub), Michael Figueroa, Steven Stakley. In the end, our very first female recipient is...Kathy Penton! Kathy sang, danced, rapped, limericked, and sweated...not all at once...and finally Jody Houseman (last week's recipient and this week's ruler) awarded the ITA. I believe Kathy was more excited than the day she was inducted...and we made just as big a deal! Way to go Kathy! Next week, you commence.
Remember...catchy, timely, and specific...and you too can win!Champion Spark Plug winner:There were three that went above and beyond...Rutger for the 1-2-1 er web site for ease of 1-2-1 scheduling and Kathy Penton who created a grid for the "Champion specific ask" note taking. Jim McCracken won however for his very well organized meals on wheels program for Rosanne as she is recovering in the Orange Hill Convalescent home. Rumor has it that RG might be home soon! A true Champion. Thanks Jim!
EC Moment:Mr. Sando discussed the do's and don'ts of visitor orientation. Timely, since we had several today.
Keynotes:One rookie (although she definitley has BNI in her DNA and it shows) in Christina Pham of Select Graphics and one steely eyed vet in Jim Salem of First Team Realty concentrated upon their respective companies, what to look and listen for and several high gloss handouts so that we could touch, see and feel the product...printing in Christina's case and homes in Salem's case. We should have film at eleven on both as Robert Perez was at the ready on the video cam!
Stand and Deliver:For those of you keeping score at home...I believe we thanked for approximately $100,000 in TYFCB today...along with the 1-2-1s, referrals, and visitation, trainings, etc.
That is REAL quantifiable $$$$ folks that resulted from both direct and strategic referrals! One of the strategic referrals was a connection from one of our members who introduced another chapter member to his new employer. This referral resulted in a new position and an annual salary of $87,500 for the other chapter member!
The visitation glowed with accolades for the Champions! I always enjoy other BNI members who find something that we do that they are planning to take back to their home chapter or visitors who say that the Champions made them feel welcome!...much of that today
Announcements:Remember to bring your child, grand child to the meeting next week as it is bring your child to BNI week...hey, they count as visitors and who knows...they may buy!
Remember to tune in at 3:00 PDT today to http://www.anniearmen.com. I am a pop up guest on Annie's radio interview with Dr. Ivan Misner...should be fun!Please keep Rosanne Grigsby and Clay Colwell in your prayers!
Life and coins have one thing in common...you get to choose how you spend 'em but you only get one chance!
Make it a Champion week ya'll!
Your faithful President
Allen Buchanan