Welcome to the Champions Chapter of SoCal BNI!

The Champions Chapter of SoCal BNI was founded in April of 2004 and has grown to 32 members! We meet at the Meridian Club in Fullerton, California on Tuesday mornings at 7:30 AM. We would love for you to visit our chapter and consider joining our very diverse and successful group of professionals. For further information, please contact the President, Allen C. Buchanan at 714.564.7104 or email me at abuchanan@lee-associates.com

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Champions SoCal BNI President's Weekly Letter

Woooooooooo, CHAMPIONS!

Adios, Au Revior, Sayanara, etc. Today was not goodbye...it was so long! Today marked the end of our term as a leadership team. We left the plane in great hands with Gary Lorge, Aric Gless, Kris Hansberger, et al! I have composed a brief recap of the last six months April 2011-September 2011 for your viewing pleasure.

I will remember fondly all of the Champions who served in this year's leadership term:

Vice President, Greg Beck-Greg has served in many positions but not VP until this year. When I was asked to be President, I told Lem Bucago...under one condition...that Greg will agree to be VP!

Secretary/Treasurer, Rosanne Grigsby and Joe Davis-Only one choice in my book...Rosanne! Thanks Joe for ably filling in when Rosanne was sick.

Membership Committee Chair, Aric Gless-accomplished the task with the skill and precision of an architect...oh yeah...he is an architect!

Mentor Chair, Steven Stakley-My personal mentor long before he held the position! Certain people just fit the role...Steven fits the role!

Education Coordinator, Jim Sando-WOW!

GRC, Michael Figueroa-Michael took over the position when Emily Davidson left the chapter. Michael learned by fire and performed brilliantly!

Visitor Host, Angelo Dionisiou-Angelo also took over lead visitor host when Tom Roberts left. Working with a president who was a former visitor host and a "glorified visitor host" this year is not easy. Mix in a commute from Carlsbad and a new baby and the task becomes extremely tough. Angelo set the bar this year with his effort!

Members at Large-Y'all are the best!

Congrats to Alex Ribble...number 31! Also thanks to Hema Dey of Premier Professionals...you know why!

A special thanks to Lem Bucago (great keynote on BNI Connect), our Director; Bernadette Lazzara, our ambassador, Lonie Misner-Feigerle, and Jeremy Ball from the San Gabriel Valley and Inland Empire Region , Tom Galan (visitor for a second time), and Russ from Dream Team for attending my swan song! It was great to have you all witness the power of the Champions!

Remember, your leadership term is a journey and don't stop believing!

Make it a Champion week, y'all!

Your faithful President,

Allen Buchanan


  1. Well...this was interesting. I have been a BNI'er for about 14 months, and this morning I heard 7 year veteran Greg Beck say that the past 12 months were the best he's seen! So, I have been introduced to BNI and indoctrinated by the best. That's gratifying! Everyone knows that Allen is the best. But do you know why? A quick analysis will review three characteristics of Allen's tenure as President: 1. He picks great people to provide services...he's an excellent judge of Character! Greg as VP, Rosanne as S/T, Aric in Membership, just to name a few. 2. He isn't afraid to do something off-the-wall. He's confident, has a strong self-image, and doesn't have a problem trying something goofy or funny. It always works for him. 3. He ALWAYS demonstrates appreciation. I think that he ended every conversation with me by thanking me for my efforts and complimenting me. Who wouldn't run through a couple of brick walls for someone like that? So, to the entire leadership team from 2010/11...thank you from a new-bee. It's nice being trained by the best!

  2. Mr. Sando left out a VERY IMPORTANT component of our success...his expert education! Jim is a natural teacher and mentor which is a PERFECT combo for an EC. I am so pleased that Jim agreed to serve as the EC and that we became better friends. Jim is a consummate professional who always places "what is best for the client" as the primary motivator for any decision. Jim has now translated that "givers" philosophy into his BNI activities. I am in awe of his ability to educate and motivate so articulately. I hope that I can be half the EC that Jim became and am so excited to see where he takes the Mentor program. I predict he will forge new turf and set the mentoring bar vey high. I would love to see Jim get a shot to train the region's mentors next year...stay tuned. Thanks for the kind words!
